On 27th January, the young people from META had an important meeting with high authorities of the government in Costa Rica. The meeting was held in the Ministry of Culture and Youth. Some of the participants were the viceminister José Ricardo Sánchez Mena and his Advisor Mrs Sofía, and for M.E.T.A: Luis Hernán Cambronero, Alberto Guzmán Pérez and Geannina Zúñiga.

Steps forward:

The aim of the meeting was to seek support from the Ministry of Culture and Youth, to organize activities in 2016 to continue promoting the rights of the most vulnerable groups. It was agreed that META will be included in the Consultive Network of the Young Person´s Board.

Also, before June there will be a national forum with different youth groups, such as indigenous people, LGBT groups, people with disabilities, afro groups, among others. For now, the forum would be called “Views and experiences of the diverse youth groups”.

Finally, starting in June, a youth friendly training will be organized,  to share knowledge and train young people on Disability and Social Inclusion.

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